I’m still surprised when I hear leaders say, "I don't know why, that's just the way we do it".
Insanity- Doing the same thing but expecting different results.
For instance, family get-togethers are fascinating. Amidst the mix of joy and chaos, an old dynamic can emerge. So often, our childhood roles resurface, bringing with them old patterns, confusing feelings, and odd looks from a spouse. For instance, siblings might argue like teenagers; moms might over-function; dads might escape to try and stay out of the crosshairs. The lessons we’ve learned might be tossed to the wind around our families if we prefer the familiar to the mature.
It can be similar in business. Sometimes the cost of change, even healthy change, is avoided because what is known, what is normal, and sometimes what is even dysfunctional, can feel comfortable. We avoid change to keep comfort.
Here’s the challenge for this month
: embrace change in order to create new habits and patterns for your family or business that will improve relationships, processes, or the bottom line. Don't settle for something familiar and comfortable if it doesn't achieve what you desire. I suspect we all have more than one change that can be examined, simply try one and give the best answer.