What is the CVSA?
The CVSA is a truth verification and credibility assessment that is used for lie detection applications. The CVSA has been proven to be the most accurate truth verification system in the world based on multiple studies.
CVSA stands for Computerized Voice Stress Analysis
The CVSA is a low stress exam with no wires attached.
When a test subject is lying, the autonomic (involuntary) nervous system causes an inaudible increase in the voice micro tremors frequency.
The CVSA detects, measures, and displays changes in voice frequency.
A state-of-the-art computer then processes these changes and graphically displays a picture of the voice patterns, resulting in an unbiased evaluation.
The CVSA is restricted to “yes” and “no” answers.
There are no inconclusive tests!
In a case study by Professor James Chapman, the CVSA exam resulted in an accuracy rate of 99.69%,
a precision rate of 99.67% and a verified confession rate of 96.4%.